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복부 pathology 이론강의 

1) Anatomy 

2) Physiology

3) Function

4) Laboratory value

5) Pathology (etiology, clinical symptom)

6) Sonographic feature

강의 : 10주

1)  Liver

2)  Biliary tract

3)  Pancreas

4)  Spleen & adrenal gland

5)  Urinary tract

6)  Gastrointestinal 

7)  Prostate & scrotum

8)  Peritoneum & abdominal wall

9)  Neck

10) Abdominal vasculature

주차 주차별 강의 내용 주차별 상세내용
1주차 Liver 1 Liver anatomy
Physiology and normal variant
Diffuse disease
Focal disease
2주차 Biliary tract Biliary tract anatomy and physiology
Gallbladder pathology
Bile duct pathology
3주차 Pancreas Pancreas anatomy and physiology
Pancreas pathology
4주차 Spleen Spleen anatomy and pathology
Adrenal gland anatomy and pathology
5주차 Urinary tract Renal anatomy and physiology
Normal variant
Diffuse disease
Focal disease
Bladder anatomy and pathology
6주차 Gastrointestinal tract GI anatomy and physiology
GI pathology
7주차 Prostate and scrotum Anatomy and physiology
8주차 Peritoneum and abdominal wall Peritoneal anatomy and physiology and pathology
abdominal wall anatomy and physiology and pathology
9주차 Neck Thyroid and parathyroid anatomy and physiology
Thyroid and parathyroid pathology
10주차 Abdominal vasculature Anatomy and physiology
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